Can I choose which organisation to donate my face shield(s) to?

We are receiving requests from and supporting a number of organisations and face shields are printed and delivered on a rotation basis dependent upon the organisations needs and date deadlines, as such we are unable to send your face shield(s) to any requested specific organisation but do rest assured that your face shield will go to a frontline worker.

Can I see a picture of my finished face shield?

Keep an eye on our social media feeds as frontline workers post pics of the face shields being received and put to good use.

Are Safe Seen taking a profit from the face shields?

The organisations involved with Safe Seen are not taking any profit from this initiative. The £2 charged for each face shield is made up of £1 towards production and delivery and £1 donated to charity.

Can I have my company logo on a face shield?

Yes, it is possible for companies to get involved. Please email us at corporate@safeseen.co.uk to request further details on this.

How is my visor delivered?

Face shields are delivered to organisations in batches of x50 or x100. Your face shield(s) will be sent out within a batch delivery.

Can I get involved?

We are looking for fellow print manufacturers to assist with production and supply of the face shields. Please email us at getinvolved@safeseen.co.uk for further information.

Do you have a media contact?

For press and media enquiries, please contact us at media@safeseen.co.uk.